On-site calibration provides with a number of advantages:
It minimises the time during which your measuring equipment is unavailable for use. That is why no duplicates are required.
You do not have to waste any more time preparing packages.
There is no need to transport any equipment that is too fragile or heavy.
Calibration documents are produced and the connection to the national measuring circuit is established on the same day as the service; a label is affixed to each calibrated piece of equipment.
It facilitates consultancy and exchange so that the MPE can be adjusted to an optimum level according to your areas of activity.
The on-site presence of the technician promotes dialogue and establishes a relationship of proximity and confidence.

Laboratory calibration enables you:
to process a limited batch of equipment which does not qualify for a site visit in view of the small volume in question
to inspect any sensitive and high precision equipment that requires a controlled environment (temperature 20 +/- 1 °C and hygrometry 65% RH maximum)
to perform the kind of inspections on equipment which are unable to be conducted on site because the benchmark standards are not transportable

Calibration certificates
These metrological services give rise to two kinds of documents:
A calibration certificate (according to booklet X07-012).
Calibration consists of identifying any discrepancies between a value read on a piece of measuring equipment and the reference value (standard).
A test report (according to booklet X07-011).
Testing consists of issuing a judgement on the measurement results stemming from the calibration certificate; it is expressed in the form of an opinion: CONFORM OR NON-CONFORM
This opinion is determined according to particular requirements:
Standards (NF, ISO, XP, DIN, JIS, ...)
Manufacturer specifications
Customer specifications (needs and requirements related to your area of activity)
Following this testing process, a decision to scrap, restore, repair or declassify the equipment in question can be made according to the defined MPE.